
[ESH2010]高血压合并心衰患者房颤治疗进展——M. Schneider教授专访

作者:  M.Schneider   日期:2010/6/20 17:08:00


< International Circulation>: You had a wonderful and interesting presentation. RAS activation is one of the most important mechanisms hypertension and is also related to the incidence of atrial fibrillation. What do you think about the effects of ACE inhibitors and ARBs for the treatment and prevention of atrial fibrillation?

    < International Circulation>: Compared with other atrial fibrillation therapy, what is the advantage of the RAS inhibitor?

    Prof. Schneider:  The main advantage is that they have very low side-effects.  We know that treating patients that have atrial fibrillation can be very difficult.  All the anti-arrhythmic drugs that we have have a substantial amount of side-effects.  Additionally there are surgical procedures that are not free of side-effects.  By using an ACE inhibitor and an ARB which has a very good side-effect profile, that is one of the advantages.  Also, these drugs might actually work on the substrate for atrial fibrillation whereas anti-arrhythmic drugs are also very important, the RAS blockade drugs are also very useful because they work on the substrate or cause of atrial fibrillation.

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